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How DO I Get My Husband To Open Up More

Communication Is one of the biggest factors to a healthy marriage. The Way you communicate with each other determines the temperature of the relationship. Communication drives every part of marriage. Most men are not what we as women consider to be great communicators about anything except sports, cars, and sex. Notice I said, "Most" Not all men. So we as women have to set the tone and lead by example.

If you take anything from this blog take this. I believe communication is not about your word but, your actions attached to the words. You give your man strength when he has his wife's support. Especially if he grew up with the odds stacked against him. Support from you allows him to be a responsible action taker. Your belief in him will cause him to seek your guidance rather than you just throwing it at him. Men want their #1 by their side as long as he can trust her with whats important to him.

Why Is it so important to always be right in the conversation. You can save so much energy by allowing the situation to play out and simply observe the results. You both have had different experiences which cause you to have a different theory on whatever topic you don't agree on. When your fighting to be right no one is even thinking of these things. So If you ever find your self in an unnecessary discussion about Why the Ironing board should be used in this part of the house (You May insert your own petty argument) Allow him to have his way and see what happens. You never know, it might turn out to be a great idea. If it wasn't a great idea guess what you didn't have to fight to be right you were proven right. There is a difference and one has more of a lasting impact.


*I want to hear from You. What are your thoughts on communication?*

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