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How Do you Know You Love Him?

I was asked how do I know I love my husband during a marriage counselling session. It took me awhile to answer. It took me a while because I did not have the traditional answer most give. My honest answer was I don't know why I love him I just do. I can't explain it. But to appease everyone in the room I listed some of his good qualities. After all, I didn't want my husband to think I didn't want to be with him. After that session, I began to question my thoughts. Did I really love him? Am I doing the right thing? During the first year of our marriage, he didn't make the thought any easier. I mean we were at it like cats and dogs almost all the time. You have no idea how many times I wanted to call a quits. But for some reason, I couldn't. Something Kept me tethered to this man. I could get so mad at him but, still want him. This was odd for me because I am the type of person that as soon as you show me your true colours I'm done. So why did I put up with his crap? how could I not answer the question during our marriage session?

It wasn't until a few years ago I received clarity. If you can give an answer to why you love someone it now becomes "conditional love". I don't love my husband because of what he can do for me or because of how he looks. I love my husband simply because I love my husband. No matter how mad he made me I love him. In spite of poor decisions, he has made I still love him. I LOVE MY HUSBAND! My clarity came from the greatest example of all, God. God never gives an explanation for why he loves us despite the fact we are not always lovable. God is always showing how much he loves us daily. When I thought about this I began to feel more empowered in my marriage because I now know I love my husband wholeheartedly and with pure intentions.


*Let me know if this was helpful. I want to hear from you*

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